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New National Survey Shows Widespread Parent Support for Charter Schools and School Choice

A new national survey of parents commissioned by the National Alliance of Public Charter Schools indicates widespread parent support of charter schools, with 78 percent indicating that they would favor a charter school opening in their neighborhood. The survey also showed that the same percentage of parents support the idea of allowing parents to choose their child’s public school, regardless of where they live; 73 percent also said they would support more charter schools opening up nationwide.

The national survey results are consistent with statewide polls conducted in Louisiana. Most recently, a survey conducted by LSU’s Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs at the Manship School of Mass Communication showed that charter school support is strong in the state, with 68 percent of Louisiana residents in favor of opening more charter schools. Among public school parents, that number is even higher, with 72 percent indicating their support of opening new charters.

Last year, the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (LAPCS) commissioned its own statewide survey of registered voters, which found that 62 percent of Louisiana voters support charter schools. Once voters were given a brief description of charter schools, support increased to 79 percent.

“The new national poll supports what we hear on the ground from Louisiana parents: parents want choices, and they support charter schools,” said Caroline Roemer, executive director of LAPCS.

The National Parent Poll was conducted by Braun Research Incorporated and interviewed 1,003 respondents who are U.S. residents 18+ years old, and parents of children who are preschool through high school age. Statistical results were weighted to correct known demographic discrepancies. The margin of sampling error for the total sample of interviews is +3.1 percentage points and may be higher for subgroups. For the complete report of survey results, visit the National Alliance website at

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