We are barely a month into the school year, and there is a flurry of activity to keep our eyes on—each with the possibility to have a long-lasting impact on the charter school movement.
We began the month with our Type 2 Funding lawsuit before the Louisiana Supreme Court and by mid-October, we expect a decision.
We are all still getting familiar with the new ESSA plan. LAPCS is connecting its members with the LDOE to make sure you’re aware of its impact and responsibilities upon your schools; especially with so many renewals and extensions before us.
We also just concluded our Leadership Council meeting in New Orleans with board chairs and board members. We expect to have similar outreach in other parts of the state. Look for updates from my team about how you can get involved.
This month brought the inaugural convening of the LaSTEM Council, an effort to put more Louisiana students–especially women–on the path to high-wage, high-demand careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields. LAPCS is proud to be part of the 29-member appointed panel.
We are closely watching an upcoming ballot measure in New Orleans that will seek voters’ support for critical school funding measures. We ask each school in New Orleans to make sure its parents and communities have the vital information on the three millages that are up for renewal.
Finally, it has been a month of change for our organization as we moved to new offices designed to serve all of you better. Look for details about our upcoming Sunset Happy Hours overlooking Lake Pontchartrain! Please visit our new home.