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Louisiana Voters Support Charter Schools, According to Statewide Survey

A majority of Louisiana voters support charter schools, according to a recent survey released by the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (LAPCS). The survey showed that voter support of charters extends to every major region and demographic category, and increases when voters are provided with a basic factual description of charter schools.

“The results are clear: Louisiana voters support charter schools and the options that charter schools provide to parents and families,” said Caroline Roemer, executive director of LAPCS. “Charter schools are public schools that are tuition free, just like traditional district schools. What they offer to Louisiana families is choice – parents can choose a public school option that fits the unique needs of their child.​ ​Voters are in favor of having this choice.”

Conducted among a representative sample of 600 registered voters statewide in June 2015, the survey showed that 62 percent of Louisiana voters support charter schools while just 19 percent oppose. When​ voters were​ provided with a factual description of charter schools, focused on charter schools having more flexibility in exchange for greater accountability, support​ of charters​ increased to 79 percent, with those opposing at 13 percent.​

The survey also showed voter support for charter school flexibility, specifically on the ability of charter schools to customize curriculum (76 percent), adopt school themes and clear areas of academic focus (69 percent), and freely structure the school day (66 percent).

The survey was conducted by Strategies 360 in June 2015, polling 600 registered voters in Louisiana. The margin of error in the survey is +/- 4.0%.


About the​ Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools The Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (LAPCS) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to support, promote, and advocate for the Louisiana charter school movement, increasing student access to high quality public schools statewide. Learn more about LAPCS at

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