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Board Member Focus: Travis Chase, New Beginnings Schools Foundation

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? Makiyah Moody recruited me to be a board banker through The Top Shelf program. I felt a real need to officially be a part of this education movement post-Katrina — I am from New Orleans, and pre-Katrina, we accepted the fact that we only had three to five public schools that were “great” schools to send your children to. I have two daughters, and as a parent (a tax-paying one!), it is not acceptable to have 80 public schools and only a handful be deemed worthy to educate my children. So instead of just accepting this as a norm in New Orleans, I decided to take action and make four schools (primarily those that operate in the neighborhood where I live – Gentilly) great schools by taking an active role in governing and overseeing the direction of those schools. New Beginnings has Genitilly Terrace, Medard Nelson, Capdau, and Lake Area New Technology High School. Get involved with helping to make these schools great — this is the motto I preach to others now. Our region, and our kids need it! Our future depends on it.

How did you become involved with your school? Through the Board Bank – thanks Makiyah!

What leadership roles have you held while serving on the board? I’m the lead on the finance and inter-governmental committees.

How can people help your school if they are interested? Visit our website at and volunteer and/or donate to the many wonderful things we are doing for kids.

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