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Board Member Focus: Sandra Cahill, ReNEW Schools

Why did you choose to serve? I believe that improving education increases opportunities in life. That holds true on every level, from each individual to our community, our city, state and country. Since I am not a teacher, I wanted to find another way I could assist in improving education in New Orleans. Contributing my time, talent and treasure to a charter school board is a way for me to do that.

How did you become involved with your school? ReNEW’s founding board chair, Carol Asher, was looking to add a CPA to ReNEW’s board and asked Charles Rice, who is CEO of Entergy New Orleans, for a recommendation. Charles knows me from work and that I have done volunteer work for other nonprofits and so Charles recommended me to Carol. After meeting with Carol and Brian Weimer, who is ReNEW’s current board chair, I ended up joining the board and finance committee for ReNEW Schools in January of 2011.

What leadership roles have you held while serving on the board? For the last three and a half years, I have served as ReNEW’s board treasurer and chair of the finance committee.

How can people help your school if they are interested? You can go to ReNEW’s website at On the webpage, you can find out about upcoming events and get involved by coming to ReNEW’s board or committee meetings, fundraisers or other community events. You can also click on the Donate button and donate funds directly or contact Barbara Schuler, who is ReNEW’s Director of Grants and Volunteers, via email at to find out how you or your group can volunteer at one of our schools.

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