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Board Member Focus: Sal Genovese, Warren Easton Charter High School

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? I actually became a board member right after Katrina when I joined a group of fellow Easton alumni that applied to OPSB for Easton to become a charter school. At that time we were concerned that our alma mater may not re-open and had heard that the building might be turned into condos.

How did you become involved with your school? I was a proud graduate of Warren Easton, Class of 1969. My classmates honored me by electing me as the senior class president and I was also honored to be co-captain of our football team my senior year.

In the late 80s I served on a committee with a group of alumni for an event to celebrate Warren Easton’s 75th anniversary. Following the event I was asked to join a committee and became a founding member of the Warren Easton Hall of Fame, which to my knowledge is the only public school Hall of Fame in New Orleans. The Hall of Fame was established to honor alumni and members of the Easton family for their achievements and to set a standard for current students and future graduates. I am still a member of the Hall of fame Committee today and I truly believe that serving on that committee with other alumni placed us in a position to recognize a higher need for service to our school at a time following Katrina when we were needed most.

I have been encouraged and helped enormously during my years of service by a group of fellow alumni who have also served as board members and Hall of Fame committee members such as Arthur Hardy, Billy Hatchett, Jeff Zapata as well as our current board president, David Garland. In addition I am also supported and always welcomed with open arms at Easton by an amazing group of staff, teachers, and students led by a tremendous and caring school leader, Ms. Alexina Medley. All of these individuals make it a joy to serve!

What leadership roles have you held while serving on the board? I have served as board treasurer as well as chairman of our finance committee. I’ve also chaired fundraising committees.

How can people help your school if they are interested? They can e-mail the Warren Easton Charter High School by visiting our web site at

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