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Board Member Focus: Rachael Coe, Crescent Leadership Academy

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? After spending two years as a charter school teacher, I was looking for a way to become involved with charter schools after starting my legal career.

How did you become involved with your school? A colleague of mine recommended reaching out to LAPCS to learn about ways to get involved. LAPCS pointed me to the Board Bank and the rest is history and I was matched with Crescent Leadership Academy within two weeks. CLA invited me and a few other potential board members to the school’s annual Board Retreat where we were greeted with breakfast and a tour of the school’s gorgeous new campus led by the principal himself. I was inspired to see the campus brimming with potential to help the students in New Orleans who need it most, from the old Rectory which will hopefully serve as housing for students in need to the live oak tree-lined winging drive leading to the campus. This is a campus designed to change students’ lives. I knew immediately that this was the school for me.

What leadership roles have you held while serving on the board? I currently serve as Secretary and I am also on the Governance Committee.

How can people help your school if they are interested? We have lots of opportunities to get involved at Crescent Leadership Academy! Our students are able to take advantage of unique career development opportunities as well as traditional extracurricular activities. If you have a talent to share, let us know!

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