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Board Member Focus: Joshua Cox, New Orleans College Preparatory Academies (NOCP)

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? Five years ago, I was a Middle School English Teacher in the NOCP network, which was formative. Not only did I learn how difficult it is to deliver excellent instruction in a compelling way, but I also realized that our students face challenges much greater than simply learning to read and write. Many are actively overcoming poverty to become the first in their families to attend college and shoot towards middle class jobs. Getting our kids to and through college requires a holistic approach that goes beyond excellence in the classroom. Students need opportunities to build leadership and interpersonal skills through extra-curricular activities; college visits so they can visualize the goal they’re working towards; and help navigating campus affairs while they are in college. NOCP has demonstrated a commitment to providing the aforementioned resources to ensure that our kids have the best chance of becoming empowered citizens. I joined the board because although I’m no longer in the classroom, I still want to be a part of that work.

How did you become involved with your school? As an NOCP teacher, I started an initiative to take our highest performing students to Harvard, Yale and Columbia for college tours. The entire program mimicked the actual college application process: students completed an application that included essays, letters of recommendation, and copies of their academic and behavioral transcripts. Chosen students met with professors and students at each institution and got a taste of on-campus extra-curricular activities like step-shows and spoken word events. NOCP has continued to send students on tours of colleges across the East Coast for the past 5 years. Last year, I got involved with college tours at Crocker College Prep and realized that serving on the board would be a great way to stay connected to our kids and NOCP’s mission.

What leadership roles have you had while serving on the board? I will be joining the building and facilities committee.

How can people help your school if they are interested? If interested, please visit to find out how you can get involved!

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