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Board Member Focus: Courtney Holbrook, Baton Rouge Bridge Academy

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? I joined Bridge Academy’s board because I believe that our community deserves better options when it comes to the education of our children. All children should have access to high performing, engaging, free options for their education. I am a product of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and I believe that a good public education is possible and necessary for the city of Baton Rouge to continue on a path of success.

How did you become involved with your school? The founder and School Director of Baton Rouge Bridge Academy, Chloe Wiley, approached me about joining her board during the charter development phase. Initially, I was reluctant, unaware of what someone with my professional background could offer a school. However, Ms. Wiley helped me realize that my background in business management and leadership, as well as my skills in analyzing data & implementing tailored plans of action, would be an asset to a charter school board. Additionally, Ms. Wiley’s passion for educating our community’s children is infectious and I was, and am, beyond confident in her ability to fulfill her promise that all of her students will get into and graduate from the college of their choice.

What leadership roles have you had while serving on the board? I sit on the Academic Achievement Committee within our board.

How can people help your school if they are interested? The best way to help our school is through monetary donations. Those can be made through our website:

If people are unable to donate financially, we are always in need of people willing to donate their time. They can get in touch with our school director, Chloe Wiley at

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