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Board Member Focus: Brooks A. Duplessis, Crescent Leadership Academy

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? A colleague of mine, Jonathan Wilson, serves on the Collegiate Academies Board of Directors. I asked him how I could get more involved and learn about the current educational landscape in New Orleans, as I have three school aged kids and feel it is important to be an informed parent while serving the community in which we live. He suggested I apply to be on a charter school board and told me about the LAPCS board bank. That same day, I put my information into the board bank.

How did you become involved with your school? Well, actually, Crescent Leadership Academy chose me. After applying to the LAPCS board bank, CLA was the first school to reach out to me. I had the opportunity to visit the school and meet the staff and other board members. I became certain that Crescent Leadership Academy was the place for me. Their approach to educating expelled students is truly inspiring. Instead of treating these kids as if their life is over, the leadership and staff of CLA breathes new life into the students on a daily basis. They show these kids that they believe in them, and know that they are capable of greatness. In turn, the kids believe in themselves and realize that their life is not over after one bad decision. We all make bad decisions, however, it is how you recover, stand up, and move forward that determines what the future holds. I have learned that from the students of Crescent Leadership Academy.

What leadership roles have you held while serving on the board? I have become very involved in the Fundraising Committee and have taken the lead on developing and planning some upcoming fundraisers and events. This will help to promote the school and show all of the good things we are doing for our students, and hopefully, raise money in the process.

How can people help your school if they are interested? We are always looking for volunteers to help with events and other programs. Also, anyone can give a donation to the school that would be tax deductible.

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