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Board Member Focus: Allison Plaisance, Laureate Academy

Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? I wanted a way to give back to my community in a meaningful way. As a product of a public school education in the suburbs of Houston, I have seen public education work as a means to lift the potential of every child no matter their demographic background. It made sense for me to get involved in this area.

How did you become involved with your school? Our lead founder and now head of school, Claire Heckerman, found my credentials through my LinkedIn profile and was interested in my accounting background and other volunteer activities.

What leadership roles have you had while serving on the board? I was part of the founding team and now serve as the Treasurer.

How can people help your school if they are interested? People can help the school by participating in our fundraisers, taking a tour of the school, volunteering in the school, taking in an interest in board leadership, and spreading the word on the accomplishments of our students.

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